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Boukan Ginen Kanaval 1991 - Pale Pale W

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Watch the Boukan Ginen Kanaval 1991 - Pale Pale W video, Pale Pale w by Boukan Ginen. Boukan Ginen won the prize for best carnival song at the 1991 Carnival in Port-au-Prince, for their performance of "Pale Pale W", a song later released on their debut album, Jou a Rive. The song title means "talk" and included lyrics widely interpreted as supporting the presidency of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. The band's music was suppressed by the military authority of the junta led by Raoul Cédras that ruled the country from 1991 to 1994. In 1994, Boukan Ginen became the third Haïtian musical group to receive the Prix Découverte from Radio France International.

Tags: Eddy francois, Boukan Ginen, Kanaval 1991

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Subject: Boukan Ginen Kanaval 1991 - Pale Pale W edit

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