Kanaval 2015 - Stands Construction - Champs-de-Mars Haiti - 14 Fev 2015

Kanaval 2015 - Stands Construction - Champs-de-Mars Haiti - 14 Fev 2015

Look at this photo... It is Valentines day in Haiti and stands are being painted in Champs-de-Mars, Port-au-Prince Haiti because tomorrow, 15 Feb, is Haiti Kanaval 2015

Articles linked to this photo:

Look at these photos... Champs-de-Mars is in Living Color... The Haiti carnival stands are receiving their final touches... Lots of Paint... Colorful Designs... [[http://www.belkanaval.com/haiti-carnival-photos/haiti-pre-kanaval-2015-stands-construction-saturday Look at all the photos here...]]

Read: PHOTOS: Haiti Kanaval 2015 - Stands are being Painted and Decorated...

Read more about Kanaval 2015, Haiti Kanaval 2015, Haiti Pre Kanaval 2015 - Stands Construction Saturday

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