PHOTO: Haiti Kanaval 2015 Premier Jou a...

PHOTO: Haiti Kanaval 2015 Premier Jou a...

Gade photo saa... Haiti Kanaval 2015 Premier Jou a... Dimanche 15 Fevrier 2015 sou Champs-de-Mars, Port-au-Prince Haiti...

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We have [[ More PHOTOS]] for you from Haiti Kanaval 2014 in Champs-de-Mars... Gade photo... Anpil photo taken on Day 1.... Nou gen foto tout band a pieds ki te pase yo... bel bagay... gade... [[ Look at all the photos (part 2 of 4) here...]]

Read: 115 More PHOTOS: Haiti Kanaval 2015 - Day 1 - Part 2 of 4

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